Thursday, September 9, 2010

Point & Lines / Architecture of Reality

Stan Allen describes field conditions as “bottom-up phenomena: defined not by overarching geometrical schemas but by intricate local connections.” What are some field condition examples that can be found in the road systems of Lubbock?

The grid system, each street north, south, east, west.

Each street numbered or named alphabetical.

Stop signs give order also the sloping of the roads for rain run off.

In part 1, Allen distinguishes a geometric relationship of classical architecture from an algebraic combination of the Cordoba Mosque. How do these two architectural examples differ?

Spacing of the columns, radius of each arch way.

Also like a car dealership each car type next to each other in a certain order.

What are some other examples of field conditions that can be observed around campus?

Sidewalks that lead to doors that lead to hallways or stairways.

Football games the way people enter and leave the game.

Parking lots each spot the same size.

How does a field condition stand to redefine the relation between figure and round?

Giam Battisanolli explains it with dark and light space.

What is the reality Michael Benedikt writes about?

Dreams vs. Reality

Dreams are reality that reflects your life that there is no control over.

And reality like walking to class it's real you can feel your body doing work.

With a dream you can't feel it you can see it or imagine it but the feeling is not there as it would be if you got hit by a car in reality vs dreams

Benedikt describes degrees of reality in architecture as: Architecture of Dreams, Architecture of Games, Architecture of Illusions, Architecture of Enactments and Architecture of Jokes. What are some example buildings that fall under these categories?

Architecture of Joke

For me the English building on Texas Tech campus is a reflection of this. For example there are balconies that you cannot get to.

And I have yet to find a bathroom on the first floor.

Benedikt describes “direct esthetic experience of the real” as being moments without symbolism. Where in our environment does symbolism occur and where in our environment is symbolism absent? What is an example of this situation?


Statues outside of court houses stand for justice

University's stand for tradition like a mascot of a statue


a parking lot or and empty warehouse

Although Benedikt’s position pulls examples from the 70‘s and 80‘s to illustrate that an architecture of reality is polar to the post-modern architecture movement, this condition continues to exist today. Where in the city would be examples of an architecture of reality and post-modern architecture?

Some of the Sub building would be an example also the Overton hotel on Mac davis

The four components that define the “realness” of an architecture for reality are: presence, significance, materiality, and emptiness (in two categories). How do these components relate to architecture? and What are some examples of architectural elements that make up these conditions?

presence - something that is meant to be there, and makes you feel feel in touch with the building.

significance - collective value of architecture, the importance of it would it be miss if it wasn’t there.

materiality - how you use a material that catches someone’s eye.

emptiness 1 - space that is not taken up between columns of walls.

emptiness 2 - implied emptiness something that draws you in.